/Y Series LED Manual
Y Series LED Manual 2018-06-04T15:00:47+00:00

TouchIT Y Series LED Manual

Installing and Uninstalling Apps

Installing and Uninstalling Apps is a key part of the TouchIT Y Series LED.

To Install Apps, you are going to need to install and register for the TouchIT App Store. This is totally free and we have a section in the manual on how to do that. Once installed, login to the App Store.

Installing Apps is a simple process of selecting the Application from the App Store that you wish to Install, Choose “Install” to download the App, then when it is ready, select “Install” again to install the App onto the TouchIT Y Series LED



Uninstalling Apps

Uninstalling Apps is also very straight forward. Simply press and hold on an App until you get the option to “Uninstall” – To Uninstall, drag the App to the Trash Can at the top of the Screen. The App will then be uninstalled from your system


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