/Contribute Cloud Manual
Contribute Cloud Manual 2018-06-04T15:04:25+00:00

Contribute Cloud

The Toolbars #

Main Menu


When you have selected a tool on the toolbar successfully, it will turn a grey color to show that it has been selected.


Use the cursor to select any object on the screen. Resize, move, rotate any annotations or text.

2.Color Options

Use the color options to change the color of the pen, shapes and text tool. When you select the color option, a palette of colours will appear.


Select the pen to draw and annotate on the screen. The width can be chosen from the “option tools” (number 11)

4.Do / Undo

Use these tools to undo and redo any annotations you have made.


Clicking on the shapes option displays a secondary menu where you can chose the shape you wish to use.

6. Images Gallery and Live Search

Click this tool to add images from either your local computer, or use our live search of over 1.5 million images.


Clicking the text tool pastes a text box onto the screen. You can then select the text and use the keyboard to enter text. Once finished, if you then use the cursor tool (Number 1), you can change the size and rotate the text. Select the text and you can change the font options (Option Tools, number 11) or the font color (Color Options, number 2)

8.Zoom In / Out

Zoom in and Out of the Workbook.


Choose the eraser to erase any of your annotations. To erase objects, you need to select them first with the cursor.

10.Download As PDF

Click this button and you will be able to download your lesson as a PDF. Please note, students and session participants are also able to do this. Please further note, that due to limitations of writing to the file system, it is not possible to download on iPhone and iPad.

11.Full Screen

Click this button to enter into full screen mode. Click it again to exit.

12. Option Tools

The option tools allow you to choose the width of your annotations as well as the font for the text and the text size.


Top Menu

(From left to right)

Create New Workbook

Click to create a new workbook in Contribute Cloud

Open Existing Workbook

Click to access your existing Workbooks on Contribute Cloud

Account Settings

Here you will find access to your account settings and student lists from your Avatar. Please note, this may also be a generic person Icon if you have not signed in with your social media profile.

Notifications menu

Click the bell Icon to access the notifications, allow collaboration with Students/Participants and to access you slide previews.


Bottom Menu


(From left to right)


Use this button when you are zoomed into the workbook to move the slide into the correct position.

Save Annotation to Page

Saves your annotations to the workbook page you have been working on

Clear Screen

This will clear all your annotations from your current slide.

Access Whiteboard Mode

Gives you access to the Whiteboard Feature.


Takes you to the beginning of your workbook.

Previous Slide

Returns to the previous slide when pressed

Next Slide

Advances to the next slide in the workbook when pressed


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