/Contribute Cloud Manual
Contribute Cloud Manual 2018-06-04T15:04:25+00:00

Contribute Cloud

Creating an Account #

The first thing you need to do is navigate to Contribute Cloud – https://contribute.cloud

You are then presented with this screen.

As you can see, you have the option to login with popular social profiles. If you are already logged into your profile on your computer, then creating an account is a one click process. If you are not, you will need to login as show below

If you don’t want to use your social profile, or your establishment does not allow this, then you can create an account by choosing an email and password. Click on “Create Account”, fill in the form and click “Sign Up”

You will then need to login with the email address and password that you have chosen from the main home screen.

When you have signed in successfully, you will be presented with this screen

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